Monday, 24 March 2014

Editing- Scenes

After setting up premier pro, and having sorted all of our clips into the appropriate folders named 'scene 1' 'scene 2' 'scene 3', we then moved onto actually editing each scene.
We separated our editing into 3 different sequences corresponding with the scenes. This would make the editing process much easier and faster.

Here we have chosen to make the first shot a pan of the saw room which Alex dies in, this would be the establishing shot for our film opening and would provide the setting for film opening.
This is most of the clips we will be using in scene 1. Obviously we will be working back into it making the editing sharper but we are happy with the overall order and effectiveness of shots.

Editing scene 2 was quite simple because it was filmed like Blair Witch (handy-cam) which meant there was only one POV and a lot of it was all in one take. Also, the editing was allowed to be quite messy which made our jobs a lot easier!

Like scene 2, scene 3 was also very simple and quick as there wasn't many different shots. Overall the scenes so far are looking quite good and we will start to edit more precisely.

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