Monday, 31 March 2014

Final Cut

Here is our final cut of 'The Next One'! We hope that you enjoy watching it, we certainly enjoyed making it!

Here is some of the positive feedback we recieved after we posted it on Facebook:

Roughcut and Feedback

We have finally finished editing our video and have completed a draft. We will show this rough cut to members of our target audience and use their feedback to improve our video to make a final cut.
Here is our draft:

This is the feedback we received from our target audience after they had watched the rough cut.

We will use their feedback to improve our video and adding the changes that they mentioned.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Editing- Video Effects

 For the beginning of the first scene I used cross dissolve on the first few clips to make them fade into each other and look more fluid. I also used this in scene 2 at the beginning.

Editing- Sound Effects

I had to use sound effects for the first scene of the opening in order to make it as realistic as possible. Also, because the clips will be muted, sound effects are crucial in order for the viewer to know what is happening.
For sounds such as the saw and sand machine, I unlinked the clip and just used the audio files where needed. This saved us having to record separately.
We also recorded some sounds separately like Alex screaming and gasping to add to the tension and make it a little more scary.
We also put in transition effects to fade our sounds in and out to make them sound more fluid.
For soundtracks we used Penumbra in the beginning and Gathering Darkness at the end. We made sure the tension was building up to the death scene. We also used sounds of oranges being squished for the blood dripping down the camera.
We think the sounds we used sound very effective and by perfecting them a bit more it should sound quite professional.

Special Effects

To make our film opening look more professional, we decided to use some special effects using Adobe After Effects for the ending of scene 1(blood splattering onto the camera). This was not originally planned as our first idea was to create the blood by just throwing it onto the camera. Although, this did not go to plan as it couldn't be achieved without the hand being in shot.
Below is images taken during this special effects test and the results we got when we filmed it:
 We used gaffer tape to attach the sheet of acetate to the camera
 This is our blood mixture that we used which was made by one of our actors, Alex. It was a mixture of red food colouring ang glycerine.

The two images above are the after effects of our tests.

Below is what we captured on camera as our special effects

After watching this, we decided that we needed to do our special effects using adobe after effects- although it wouldn't look as realistic, it would look more professional.

We chose to create the last clip of scene 1 (blood splattering on screen) on Adobe After Effects. We started off by getting two images of blood splatters off Google images, then importing them onto an image of just below the band saw where Alex dies. We pasted them onto the background twice in different places to give the illusion of the blood splattering all over the background. To make the blood look more realistic we used the 'pen tool' to cut out all of the unnecessary parts to ensure it looked like it would in real life.

This tool neatened up the edges of the blood and made it look more professional.
Another effect we did was put two masks on in the shape of blood drips and have them fall down in the clip.

 On the second mask we put a blur on it to make it look more like it was dripping on the camera lens which in real life would be out of focus, so by putting a blur on it, it makes it look more realistic.
After these effects we produced a 10 second clip which we are very happy with!

Editing- Title And Credits

We decided to put our credits in scene 2 instead of scene 1, so that the viewer wouldn't be distracted during the tense scene.
The things we credited were:
'A BitaSophia Production'
'Directed by Bita Jedo and Sohia Asilah Kelly'
'Starring Alexander King Jervis, Matilda Middleton Beattie, Sophia Asilah Kelly and Bita Jedo'
'Casting by Bita Jedo'
'Music by Sophia Asilah Kelly'
'Edited by Bita Jedo'
'Director of Photography Micheal Frost'
'Produced by Bita Jedo'
'Story by Sophia Asilah Kelly and Micheal Frost'
The font we decided to use was called 'Charlemagne Std' This is quite a standard, simple font which makes it easy for the viewer to read. We wanted the credits in black font, but it was unreadable in most scenes as the background was too dark, so we chose white.

For the titles, we decided to put them on the last bit of scene one, right after Alex dies. We put a fade effect on them, so that they appear right after the blood smears over the screen.

Fonts For Our Film Title

To choose different fonts we looked on We found several different style fonts that would be suitable for our film opening.

The font that we decided to choose is called 'True Lies'. We think this looks the best because it has a sense of terror but isn't too tacky.

Editing- Scenes

After setting up premier pro, and having sorted all of our clips into the appropriate folders named 'scene 1' 'scene 2' 'scene 3', we then moved onto actually editing each scene.
We separated our editing into 3 different sequences corresponding with the scenes. This would make the editing process much easier and faster.

Here we have chosen to make the first shot a pan of the saw room which Alex dies in, this would be the establishing shot for our film opening and would provide the setting for film opening.
This is most of the clips we will be using in scene 1. Obviously we will be working back into it making the editing sharper but we are happy with the overall order and effectiveness of shots.

Editing scene 2 was quite simple because it was filmed like Blair Witch (handy-cam) which meant there was only one POV and a lot of it was all in one take. Also, the editing was allowed to be quite messy which made our jobs a lot easier!

Like scene 2, scene 3 was also very simple and quick as there wasn't many different shots. Overall the scenes so far are looking quite good and we will start to edit more precisely.

Editing- Sorting Through Footage

We have finished filming our film opening and have moved onto the editing process!
Before we could start putting the clips together, we sorted through our footage and deleted any clips that wouldn't be useful. Then we organised the clips into 'scene 1' 'scene 2' 'scene 3' because this is how we were going to separate the sequences on Adobe Premier Pro for editing. It would also make the editing process much faster.

Ideas For Film Titles

After planning our film opening, we had to start thinking about potential film titles. Below is a few names we tried out, in the end we decided that 'The Next One' would be the best choice because this is the line that Sophia says to Matilda and it shows great relevance to our plot line and story.


These are the key props we used in our film opening:
 The scarf that Alex wears in the first scene that causes him to die.
The poem left behind a book which states who is going to die.

Soundtrack Ideas

In order to find the perfect soundtrack to play during scene 1, we looked on where we found several different soundtracks that we thought were suitable.

After listening to our sounds we decided to use Penumbra at the beginning and Gathering Darkness for the ending.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Location Pictures

Prior to filming, we went to take pictures of where we wanted to film, to see whether it would be appropriate.
We went to 3 different locations: library, saw room and media studio

Overall we are very happy with our location and can't wait to start shooting

Shooting Schedule

We have created a shooting schedule telling us what days and times we will be shooting. We have done this to make the production process easier and faster and we hope to finish within these deadlines.