The title of our film 'The Next One' was inspired by a line spoken by the character Sophia in our film opening. I think it is quite typical of conventions of a horror genre as it is quite short as most film titles are because they try not to be too cryptic and easy to understand so that they get a mass audience interested in it and wanting to see it; more importantly ensuring that the title makes it obvious that it is a horror film. The way our titles are presented are also very typical of the horror genre as they fade in from blood. The whole idea of someone dying straight away and their blood being the main focus is also something that feature a lot in other horror films. I think 'The Next One' was a good choice for our title as you can tell straight away that it will be horror because it immediately connotes the next death, or the next frightful event so for this reason I think it is very typical of a horror film.
We had 3 main locations for our film opening, a saw room, a college filming studio and a library. When analysing film openings, none of these settings seemed to appear which shows that our location/setting challenges typical horror conventions because our chosen settings don't appear very often in the usual horror film. The reason we chose these settings nevertheless, was because it was based around the typical lives of students which meant we had to go to their everyday locations and try to have good verisimilitude in our film opening.
The costume of our main character in scene 1 is something that doesn't feature a lot in typical horror films, but it connotes a 'damsel in distress' personality so it therefore does use some horror conventions. A main prop for Alex is his scarf, which inevitably is what causes his death. This is very typical of a horror film as the death is usually due to an item that has some relevance to the character.
The other 3 characters who appear in scene 2 and 3 wear quite dark clothing- this was to connote a sense of death approaching and also to give a sense of fear and mystery, which is very relevant to the storyline. The use of dark clothing is a very typical feature and convention of horror films and is used to set the dark mood for the film. The girls' costumes juxtapose with Alex's clothes as his are quite light and he doesn't wear any black. This was done to reflect his outgoing personality and immediately present to the audience that his death is inevitable (like Drew Barrymore in Scream)
Another key prop was the big, olden book they found in the library. Using a book like this to hide the note behind is a very typical feature of a horror film as it gives a sense of history and gives the note some depth.
The last main prop in our film opening is the note. By having a mysterious note with a creepy poem listing names of those who will die is a typical feature of a horror film as it gives the story a narrative to work from and is a scary element to include as it makes the audience fear the note in a way.
The shots used in our first scene were very typical of a horror genre as most things were in focus and the regular shots were used such as long shot, mid shot etc. This was to make sure the audience were clear on what was happening and didn't get confused.
Another camera technique we included that used the typical conventions of horror was the regular close ups of the main character being scared and the machines that could be the cause of his death. We knew that using zooms and close ups would be essential as it gives a sense of discomfort for the viewer especially when we show an extreme close up of the saw, which tells the audience that the saw will probably be the cause of his death. It also creates suspense and tension which is what our target audience wanted to see.
In scene 2, our film opening challenges the typical conventions of horror as it is all filmed in steady cam from the characters point of view. This meant that most of the shots were shaky and on a canted angle. Although most horror films aren't filmed like this, our main inspiration for this technique was inspired by Blair Witch Project which is also filmed in the characters point of view. We did this to create a feeling of verisimilitude as we go back to normality and the college life of these students. The shakiness also gives a sense uncertainty.
The camerawork in scene 3 is very similar to scene 2, challenging the typical conventions as it is all filmed in steady cam.
Our editing in scene 1 was very fast paced and had many shots within a short space of time. This is very typical of a horror film as the fast pace creates a sense of rapid movements which makes the audience a little uneasy as they don't know what's going to happen next.
In scene 2 the editing is very different to scene 1 as it develops the typical conventions of horror films. This is because although the pace is a lot slower in comparison to scene 1, it is not all in one cut which does make the film lack realism but it wouldn't have been possible to do everything in one cut.
The pace in scene 3 is even slower as we build up to finding out Matilda is 'the next one'. This also slightly develops typical horror films as we are back to normality here and by slowing down the pace we are adding to the verisimilitude of the clip.
We also used some cross dissolve in scene 1 during the first few shots to build tension and to slow the pace down so that the pace built up to the big climax of Alex's death. Using transition effects is very typical of horror films as it helps develop the feeling of tension and suspense.
Overall I think our opening sequence design is quite typical of a horror film as it starts off with the establishing shots fading in which creates the tense atmosphere and the first scene builds up with the pace getting faster, leading to Alex's death. The opening sequence also ends in a big cliffhanger when we find out Matilda is 'the next one' which is also something that most opening sequences include as it makes the viewer want to carry on watching and keeps them interested. I also think our opening sequence challenges typical conventions of a horror film as the other 2 scenes are filmed in steady cam and it features the credits in the second scene, when typically the credits appear usually in the first scene. I also think that because it is filmed from the point of view of the character, the audience get a different perspective than they usually would in typical horror films.
The title font and style is very typical of a common horror film as the style is quite a distressed font with fast strokes to link in with the fast paced cuts of the first scene. Although, we found that a lot of opening sequences had their title in black font, we wanted ours in white as it stood well against the blood dripping in the background. The actual title 'The Next One' also sounds very conventional as it connotes the next death of something.
The story of our opening sequence is quite typical and conventional of a horror film because it is about a mysterious poem which includes the names of those students who are 'next' on the list to die. There is some references to films like 'Final Destination' and 'Urban Legend' where they have a similar narrative. This was our inspiration for the film. It was also set up in quite a conventional way with the first scene being the death of a victim whose name we later find out was on the list, then the next scene going back to normality and the 3 students talking about what happened to Alex which leads to the 3rd scene of them finding the note and also finding out that Matilda is 'the next one'.
The genre of our film was obviously horror which was suggested through mise en scene like the characters in scene 2 wearing a lot of black and red to highlight back to the death of Alex which the audience saw through his blood splattering down the camera which was one of the key features in our film that really showed that it was a horror. The blood is a very key convention in all horror films and the death of a character is also a key form of horror genres. The music for our film opening is also very typical of horror films as we have a deep bass beginning and then the slow screeching off key strings build up to the end.
The first character Alex is introduced to the audience first through him appearing behind the curtain singing Lady Gaga. This immediately shows him to be quite a fun character which is quite typical for horror genres, because as we were analysing other horror openings, we found that it seems to always be the fun, lively character who gets killed off in the first scene.
Sophia is the first character that gets introduced in scene 2 as the clip begins with her checking the camera is on. By being the character to first be in control of the camera introduces her as the character who is in charge and the one who has the most knowledge. This is very typical of a horror genre as there is always that one character who will have the most screen-time and is one of the main characters in the story.
Matilda is the 2nd character to be introduced as she swivels around a chair. This introduces her to be a fun, bubbly type of character. Once again, like Alex we have made her personality to be fun because her name is next on the list meaning she will be the next one to die. This again is very conventional of a horror film as it seems to be the bubbly characters who die.
The last main character to be introduced is Bita and she is shown through Sophia's point of view as she walks on with the camera in her hand. Bita immediately covers her face demanding she stop filming- this introduces her straight away as quite a contradicting character and that she doesn't want to be involved. Throughout scene 2 she is also disagreeing with what Sophia says, this is also very conventional of a horror film as there is always one character who doesn't believe what the other characters believe or maybe doesn't want to be involved.
We only included one clip of special effects which was at the end of scene 1 to show Alex's blood splattering everywhere. By making special effects of blood it shows close similarities to typical horror films as blood is a key convention of horrors and by having 10 seconds of just blood it links very strongly back to the usual forms of horror film openings.
Overall I think our opening sequence does develop most conventions of an opening sequence through the way the characters are introduced because you can tell straight away who the next possible victims are and because it is filmed from their point of view, you know who the central characters are going to be. Also, our style of editing and cinematography is quite conventional as the pace slowly builds and the first scene includes very fast, straight cuts to build on suspense and tension. I also think our opening sequence does challenge some horror conventions as scene 2 and 3 are filmed in steady cam from the characters point of view which doesn't feature in many other horror films.
The main influence for scene 1 was 'scream' this is indicated through the character Alex and how he behaves towards the machines turning on and his eventual death. The close ups of his face also indicate his fear.
The influence for our filming style was definitely 'Blair Witch Project' as it is all filmed from the characters point of view in steady cam. The influence for our opening credits appearing in the 2nd scene was 'Breaking Bad' as we decided not to draw any attention away from the suspense in the first scene.
The narrative of our film opening was inspired by 'Urban Legend' and 'Final Destination' with the note which had a poem including the names of those who will die.